Some people were born to write.

I tried as hard as possible not to become a writer.

I was the teacher’s pet in English language, but I found it too easy.

At 18 my best friend bought me a travel journal to “make sure that you keep writing”.

I was only ever myself with that journal in my hands.

I rose through the ranks of internal communications within a large corporation, and realised that corporations are far too stifling for creativity.

I’m not the corporate type, which makes me the perfect partner.

In came another friend with a website…I tore the copy apart like a man possessed.

At some point I realised that businesses would not only benefit from my skills, but I could turn my hand to any creative challenge involving words.

15 years on and there’s still nothing I like better than diving into a discovery session with a client to unpick their audience, processes and the best strategy to increase their engagement.

I can see the positive impact that my words have on increasing sales - at helping a business achieve their main objective.

I get to work with a number of products, companies, and most importantly - people.

People are the driving force behind any business, and to connect a person and their objective with a customer, in the right way, is my passion.

You can find me in my own office space planted firmly in the countryside, excited to see where your next project will help me take you.

There’s a quote that I can’t remember well and I’m going to butcher…something like “A person is what they repeatedly do”.

I am then, a writer.