Not all copywriters are equal

The last few years have seen a surge in the popularity of becoming a copywriters. A combination of successful copywriters diversifying into launching their own training academies, improved remote working options and lockdowns are partly to blame.

Copywriting Belfast freelance copywriter

The spread is far and wide. I know writers from incredible backgrounds such as Paul Magee who used to judge prose competitions at a high level.

Rob Simpson is one of my main proofreaders thanks to his immense knowledge of grammar, and his own copywriting sings to the audience.

Legitimate, passionate writers.

I pride myself on my ability to really dig deep into the brand that I’m writing for and spend hours doing competitor research to combine with my knowledge of SEO and psychology.

There are others. I’ve seen them trawling social media for jobs and the only thing attractive about them is their ultra-low prices. Some can barely string a sentence together in plain English. If the priorities of clients are to receive ‘one pence words’ with a sprinkle of ‘keyword stuffing’ then fine. I’m not bashing on the low budgets - every creative has the perfect client. But experienced copywriters make fewer errors. They get to the right tone quicker and far more consistently.

How do clients identify good copywriters?

I’d start with honesty and portfolios.

Yes they need a solid portfolio, but without honesty that portfolio might not even be that of their own. I’d rather hire someone who admits this is their first time in a niche than someone who lies about it. You know the end product will show their efforts.

Often I get asked “have you written for this niche before?”

The answer is always a contracted form of my opinion: Niches for writers shouldn’t matter as much as clients think. A good copywriter will seamlessly fuse the audience with the brand and craft exactly the right messaging. Each audience is different, and should be dissected an analysed accordingly. A good writer will combine the right vocabulary with the correct pacing to move a reader through to whichever call to action is required.

“No, I haven’t written for a Nigerian historic botanist who is marketing legal highs to 18 year old left-handed shotputters…” Some clients expect to find that one writer in their exact niche rather than a solid writer who can turn their hand to any tone.

You can always get lucky. I know great writers that doubt themselves and put their heart and soul into what some would consider ‘low paying jobs’. Maybe they’re on the way up and they'll be your writer forever.

Want to save yourself a headache and hire a Belfast Copywriter with proven results? Just claim your free discovery session here!

Keep hustling,

Keep copywriting!

Thanks for reading,



Belfast Copywriting - how to find a good copywriter in our wee city


Where design meets copywriting