What is 'discovery' in a copywriting or marketing Project?

There’s a point in business growth where you identify the need for first-class copywriting to take your company to the next level.  In this post I’ll talk about what discovery is in a copywriting or marketing project and how it can help you take that next step forward towards improving your sales and branding.

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Well-developed copywriting can provide a unique link to your customer/labour base to elevate your offering to a new level and clarify your business messaging. 

After some searching, you've found a professional and collaborative copywriter in Northern Ireland with trusted results, and you’re excited to start your project.  

But what is the next step to making your vision a reality and realising your business objectives? 

When you're starting to work with any copywriter, project discovery is the first step in your idea becoming a reality. 

This is the process where I get into the gritty detail of the project, discuss brand specifications, establish milestones and get your feedback on the direction of your messaging.  

The aim of this session is really to create lots of clarity around project expectations. 

The objectives of the project will be clarified during this stage, as well as how it will be managed and delivered.

Copywriting is often a new or unknown ground for clients, so it's important to have a clear understanding of what's involved before work begins. 

As a client, you need to identify the broader picture of what your copy needs to do for you as a brand before development can take place. A professional copywriter will take time to understand your needs, partnering with you to bridge your knowledge gaps and guide you through the process – this is why project discovery is so important.  

Discovery - Getting to the Facts

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The more detailed a discovery session, the more a copywriter can be assured that they have all of the relevant information to serve your needs.  

The job of clarifying your messaging lies with copywriter, but collaboration with you and your team is always important to ensure a smooth transition through the project.  

There will commonly have been several conversations about the project before discovery occurs.  These conversations introduce me to the project and your team, allow us to dissect the proposed concept and discover the stakeholders within your business who require input into the project.

This information allows an accurate proposal to be drafted and agreed.  The discovery session’s purpose is not to regurgitate existing information, it is to dive deeper into the finer detail of the project. 

Being open with your selected copywriter will benefit the project hugely.  Having honest conversations around budget restrictions, deadline considerations and time commitments will allow the agency to develop the best solution for you. 

Copywriting, whether for advertisements, emails, websites or other marketing collateral has a number of facets, not limited to: 


  • What are the key delivery points through the project? 

  • When does the new copy need to launch? 

  • Will the copy need to be proofed by separate stakeholders or one single point of contact? 


  • What is the commercial proposition or problem the copywriting is meant to be solving? 

  • Is it for internal or external use? 

  • How does the copywriting improve the user-interaction with the company/brand? 


  •  Who is the copy’s target market? 

  • How will they come across the copy, and what state will they be in at the time (e.g. informed, confused, ready-to-purchase etc)? 

  • How will the copy differ from other messaging that the user is used to? 


  • Does the copy sit within an existing brand? 

  • How well established is the brand? 

  • What ‘lines-to-take' does the copywriter need to adhere to? 


  • Does the brand have tightly defined brand-guidelines that need to be considered in the copywriting?  

  • What design aspects need to be considered regarding the copy (see my post here)? 


  • How will your copy convert customers?  

  • How are we guiding viewers through the purchasing process?  

  • Are there milestones that lead to further sales within the project? 


  • What is your total budget allocation for this copywriting project?  

  • What milestones within the project do we need to achieve to move onto the next stage of payments? 

  • How could improvements in the copywriting and sales copy improve the top line of the business? 

Ongoing support: 

  • How will the copywriting be updated?  

  • What is the projected lifetime of this particular copywriting project, and does this feed into further projects or product-launches in the future? 


The more information you can provide your copywriter with, the better your outcome will be. 

website langing page copywriter belfast dublin northern ireland

On the money

Without proper discovery, a copywriter can’t accurately project timelines and deliveries for their services. Whilst I provide pricing ahead of discovery, a detailed discovery sessions mean that I can clarify and explain project costs in a way which hedges against your budget over-running.  

Working opening and honestly with your copywriter will help fend off costly miscommunications and protect the timeframe.  Clarity is key throughout the drafting, proofing and deployment of copy on your chosen medium. 

With clear and agreed project remits both sides are confident of what has been agreed and can be confident on price and deliverables.  Transparency in this area is key for the ongoing relationship between client and partner in any creative endeavour. 

I always stand over my proposed prices outside of any significant changes, making transparency around requirements and scope key. My priority is delivering a project that exceeds your expectations. 

There’s no point in your copywriter second-guessing specific requirements, only to realise that changes are needed to correct mistakes. Mistakes like this cost time, and delay project completion.  

Getting it right.

By taking the time to assess the project in its entirety, you can be confident that the end result will be a success. 

As a professional copywriter with a track record for performing and a client base who I have been working with for years, rest assured that I’ve done this before.  

I have a tried and tested methodology to project management while remaining agile - no two projects are the same, and there are often areas that need to be explored that you or your stakeholders might not have considered.  

Working across Northern Ireland, in Belfast and Dublin, I thrive when conducting in-person visits.

Businesses in Northern Ireland have always known the opportunity of growth beyond our local market. The ability to compete beyond the island is only enhanced by a strong and considered digital presence, and this needs clear and precise messaging that appeals to your target audience.  As Northern Irish and Irish business take a global view I’m here to help. 

Whether you know exactly what types of copywriting you need, or have a problem to solve with the right copywriting, I can guide you through the best ways to start your project. 

Are you based in Northern Ireland or Ireland and want more information how to develop your copywriting? Feel free to call and arrange a chat about your project. 

Are you based further afield? I’m happy to explain how I can work with you to meet your business objectives and love nothing more than jumping on a plane to become your creative partner.  

Just contact me for more information.

Keep copywriting,

Keep hustling.

Thanks for reading,

Adam White 



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