Email pitch for a design company


“For years we were trying to cold email companies without any replies. Now I don’t email a potential client before Adam has rewritten the whole thing. He’s helped increase our open rates and replies to levels I never thought possible”

— Martin, MD, Pugman Media


Martin wanted to branch out and serve more local businesses to grow his own media company. His emails were complicated and didn’t sell the benefits of his services. See below for an example of what I did to polish his pitch and take it to the next level of engagement.

Email pitch. Simple and effective. (All italics are narrative.)

As a customer of your coffee shop and bakery [makes it a personal approach] I’m really happy to see you open again [they’ll be happy too – shared emotion]! My team and I specialise in website development and design [simple and punchy]. We can help take your website and visuals to the next level and really help you secure more customers and improve your branding. [what every business wants/needs (however this business is busy and probably hasn’t thought that competition could be on the rise)]


I appreciate that after a tough year you’re probably in a great position of recovery right now, but competition is rising and other cafes like yours are modernising their websites to attract more customers. Take a look at these guys in Carrickfergus for example:  [this business has their branding and design well-developed. A good example for you to use for this area]


You might not realise, but a modern website can tie into your facebook following to gain even more followers for free advertising. [facebook is their best marketing tool, so you have to link into here. Facebook pixel specifically which this business probably doesn’t know about] We can help you with product photography, videography, copywriting and general branding to really boost you forwards, and even an online store to improve your reach across the country. [We’re adding value here. It makes you a one-stop shop]


The possibilities are endless and we’re best placed to help [not great grammar but the tone means we might be able to afford to be more conversational at this point].  Our website has some of our examples and explains more about us. [make sure you have your facebook pixel installed and then you can re-target them with adverts at a later stage]


Would you be happy to jump on a 5 minute call so that I can see how we can best serve you? Or could we chat the next time I’m in for a coffee and lunch? [two options narrowing down your call to action, with the latter being very informal and approachable. It gives them a bit of control over the cold-approach]


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