How to write sales copy for your website

It’s easier than you think

When you are running an online business, the success of your company depends on your ability to write effective sales copy.

This is how you convince people to buy your products or services, and it's a skill that you need to master if you want to be successful. I'll teach you how to write sales copy that will drive traffic to your website and help you make more sales.

I'll cover everything from explaining the product in terms of benefits and features, to making sure that someone stays on your website by giving them a positive user experience. I'll also guide you through the buying process on your website, and show you how to build trust with your customers.

Your steps to follow:

1) Decide exactly what products or services you want to sell on your website, and if they form part of a range.

There's no point just having a mild idea of what you want to sell. It happens, I've seen people jump into all kinds of projects and what they need before they get a copywriter is a clearly defined plan of what exactly they are going to sell. Start with the sale in mind and get your supply/distribution lines sorted. Then look at how to get sales.

2) Research your target audience and what they want to buy

There's no point in selling packages that don't appeal. This ties into the way that we sell, but also explores the idea that we aren't going to sell Chanel handbags to 10 year old Xbox users.

3) Write compelling sales copy that speaks to your target audience's needs

The reader might be genuinely interested in your story. As a wine distributer from Southern Germany, one of my last clients had an incredible story that led him to be the expert he is now. If you can do the same, then do it. But keep things short. No-one wants to read about all of the decisions you made at school that led you to choose specifically the purple candle in the backdrop of your product shots - keep it nice and simple! We can write about complex ideas later down the buying process as part of a long sales letter, but front-and-center the copy should be compelling.

4) Include calls to action on your website that tell people what to do next

People need to be led. Tell them what you need them to do, then tell them how to do it. Use simple, easy-to-understand language. Most people don't ask for the sale often enough. You should constantly be closing people on your website. Inform, persuade, and sell!

5) Test different versions of your sales copy to see what works best.

Google gives you tools to do this. I often add more emotion to my copy and quickly notice that it generates more positive results. Yes, this method is harder work and takes up more of your time, but if it's the difference between which copy or visuals can appeal more to your customers then this can translate to increased profits. Imagine increasing your revenue by 10 some companies and people this can be lifechanging. Re-invest that 10 percent into your marketing and you'll grow and grow exponentially.

6) Monitor your website's traffic and sales to see how effective your sales copy is

Again google has all of the tools for this. If people are looking at your website from a 'mobile first' perspective then you need to make sure that your mobile version isn't missing out key messaging. Perhaps a mobile view changes your call-to-action buttons, so you'll need to make sure they're still effective.

By following these tips, you can write sales copy that will help your website succeed. I've kept them short and simple for a reason! Remember to keep your target audience in mind, and focus on writing copy that appeals to their needs.

Want to save yourself a headache and hire a Belfast Copywriter with proven results? Just claim your free discovery session here!

Keep hustling,

Keep copywriting!

Thanks for reading,



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