How to write a profile for a dating website

It’s not all websites and advertisements, but we can learn a lot from the world of direct copywriting for the dating world.

Any writing needs to be planned and show off your brand - nowhere is this more important than on your dating profile! Let’s have some fun and look at a few ways that you can write a bibliography in the way that a copywriter would write an ‘about us’ page.

1) plan your copy!

There’s no point just writing wildly. Think about the platform that you’re on and the points you want to get across. Have you got 3 lines or 3 paragraphs? 3 lines needs to be punchy and draw the reader in. Paragraphs need to be laid out nicely so we don’t bore the reader. Think about using simple points per sentence. Keep it short!!!!

2) write from their perspective.

Again an unatural way to speak about yourself but the best way to write copy. You’ll have to talk about yourself - of course - but put yourself in the shoes of the reader. What does a potential partner want? More importantly what do you want? You can’t write copy for everyone, and you can’t appeal to everyone as a person.

If you’re looking for stability then go into it. If you’re looking for fun then talk about that too - you’re closing a sale here so you can’t sell to someone who doesn’t want your product!!

3) challenge the reader

Just like when you’re selling products we want to ask questions like “do you want to be happy? Then try our 10-step diet program”.

E.g. “do you like having fun? How about a spontaneous night to one the cities best spots, all I can promise is you’ll have a great laugh and be glad we connected”

4) flip the script

When i’m crafting profiles I like to change things up. This works especially well for strong-minded women. Start some of your sentences this way: '“You are….” and then give some of the characteristics that you’re looking for.

Have fun. Be different and stand out amongst the crowd.

And yes, I write people’s dating profiles and it’s led to some serious relationships in my professional time!

Want a dating profile written to get you to that next level or relationships? Feel free to contact me and we’ll take it from there.




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