Why I don’t read or write fiction

Lots of copywriters will tell you all about how their bookshelf is filled by their fine collection of classic novels that influence their style of writing and give them this fantastic vocabulary that they can deploy at parties to look smart.

Some top copywriters even tell junior copywriters that they should be reading prose (here they go again with their vocabulary) and classic novels to see how sentence structure and storylines keep the reader engaged.

Forgive me when I say: “Not for me!”. Each to their own. Some of best writers I’ve encountered are avid fiction fans – it’s somewhat natural.

I just don’t have the time, space, or gumption to tackle a bunch of novels before bed.

I do read. It’s been a passion of mine since I was a kid. Even aged 15 I started reading sports and business autobiographies and knew that business was my way forward. I’ve always had books in my life, but I’ve used them as tools.

To me, books are insights into the actions of a person and what outcomes this led to. I get to learn the lessons of hundreds and thousands of people who have taken the time to write about their experiences.

If I can pickup a few tidbits from Richard Branson, or dissect Copywriting SEO in more detail thanks to Sergie Brynn then it will literally make me a better person.

I’d rather use my reading time to understand business, copywriting, messaging, marketing and all of the subjects in-between instead of reading Dickens.

That should translate to me being a better writer each day – not better than the fiction nerds, but different.

There’s a copywriter out there for everyone.

Good luck finding yours.

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Keep hustling,

Keep copywriting!

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