Plan your words before you start copywriting

It really is that simple. Don’t just write any old drivel.

Have a think about who you writing for. I’ve posted before in more detail about this so check out those posts [HERE].  

Most importantly of all, write down WHAT you’re going to say, before you write what you’re actually saying. I’ll give you an example:

Client: TK Fitness

Product: Fitness camps in Belfast, Northern Ireland

Benefits: Get lean

Copy without planning:


Get lean fast with the incredible TK fitness camp in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Our fitness camp is awesome and we have trained coaches to get you fit and in shape in just 5 fantastic days.

In a fantastic location you’ll be sure to enjoy the whole week and shape your journey to a better you.


Copy with planning:

Header – what is it?

Sub-header – who is it for?

Quick introduction

More details on the location and format.


Get lean with TK’s fitness camp.

Love fitness? You’re in for the time of your life.

Our fitness camp revolves around one thing – you. Giving you the perfect place to shape your fitness journey, our experienced coaches guarantee results, fat-burning and fun in our 5 day Belfast-based fitness camp for any levels of fitness.

It’s time for a better you.


As a copywriter, the plan gives me more clarity for what my copywriting needs to say.

The facebook advertisement will look more appealing and read better, all thanks to the extra 3 minutes that I spent planning what I wanted to say before saying it.

Don’t forget, keep your copy and recycle it for future projects. This keeps your tone of voice consistent and then your brand can be perceived as more trustworthy. 

Nice and short, nice and simple. Give it a try!


Want website copywriting advice or got a different copywriting project in mind? Feel free to get in touch and I’ll be happy to help.

Keep hustling,



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